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Big Juicy Creative

Dec 2, 2021

As well as a chartered psychologist, Sarah Rozenthuler is also a leadership coach and a motivational speaker and author –this episode is centred around her book 'How to Have Meaningful Conversations'.

If you've ever struggled to express yourself in a tricky situation, especially where emotions run high, then this is...

Nov 18, 2021

Culture loves a good cat fight. Think Megan vs Kate. Angelina vs Aniston. It loves to make it seem like women are constantly hating on each other.

Besides from being bulls**t, it's really damaging to peddle these narratives (but culture, as always, has a reason for doing it which is also toxic). I talk to comms expert...

Nov 11, 2021

Beth Collier believes that when you improve your communications skills, you’ll improve everything. Your performance. Your relationships. Your life.

And she helps people do that. She even has her own special acronym to help people get their messages out more effectively – PACE.

She's a curious creative soul whose...

Oct 28, 2021

Since I’ve come out of lockdown I’ve felt like life has ramped up so quickly. I’m exhausted. I know if I keep going as fast, burn out is around the corner.

I know I’m not alone. There’s so much talk at the moment about people burning out. It’s obvious that our go-go-go more-more-more do-do-do lifestyles of...

Oct 21, 2021

I'm usually the one doing the interviewing, but in this episode I get interviewed on my own podcast - and I realise how easy it is to blurt out stuff you've never admitted before on air, when you're enjoying the banter....

I'm interviewed by the lovely Lizzie Benton who I met on LinkedIn (don't judge us, it's more fun...