Feb 25, 2021
This week I (Suzy) go to extreme creative lengths to get some headspace in lockdown round 3 in the UK....
In a desperate bid to hear my own thoughts again, I pack my suitcase with goodies and I drive 2 minutes around the corner, to the edge of the forest. These goodies include, of course, lots of creative materials to...
Feb 18, 2021
Today’s guest is the indomitable chronic pain sufferer, writer, artist and activist, Amani.
This is a very real, very raw conversation where both of us are in pain as we podcast; Amani due to severe physical symptoms and me (your host, Suzy Bashford) due to the emotional pain of just losing my beloved dog Bramble...
Feb 11, 2021
This episode is dedicated to the death of my beloved Bramble dog.
My wee furry friend has taught me a lot about living big, juicy and creative through her fearless life, and death.
I've learnt so much from her 15 years with me and her heart-wrenching recent death at home, while surrounded by the rest of her pack. That's...
Feb 4, 2021
Today’s guest is Keith Cummings – plumber by day, skateboard maker and artist by night. Far from suffering the angst of 'not good enough', he is very content in his creativity which he puts down to not putting pressure on it; he extols the virtues of having a job which you can do while your creative ideas are...